Including 17 closely related terms such as reduce, reduces, and reduces.
… is high. Carbon neutrality Net zero carbon emissions by obtaining a balance between a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount of carbon which has been offset or sequestered. Carbon Reduction Any activity that reduces carbon emissions. This can include: decreasing energy use or shifting to renewable energy use Climate Climate describes the average weather over a long period…
… benefits in terms of new jobs, economic savings and market opportunities, as well as improved wellbeing for people locally and worldwide. Work on reducing carbon emissions does not start from a zero base. Sefton has been involved with numerous projects aimed at reducing emissions and will continue to do so, in the context of the climate emergency and with increased urgency. This strategy sets out…
… Climate Change Approach Sefton Council will define its emissions according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This is the standard mechanism by which governments and local authorities measure and define their emissions. Scope 1: Direct emissions which occur from sources that are owned or controlled by Sefton Council. E.g. Gas Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the emissions generated when fuel…
…, agriculture and other services in the Sefton area and have led to the deaths and displacement of thousands of people worldwide. The Meteorological Office clearly states that these kind of extreme weather events are significantly more likely if we take no action on reducing our carbon emissions; the main driver of man-made climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC…
…, detailing actions taken so far and progress towards our 2030 net zero carbon target. The first of these will be available in July 2020. We are committed to taking responsibility for our carbon emissions and playing our part in limiting global average temperature rises. Business as usual is no longer an option. Cllr Paulette Lappin Sefton’s Climate Change Emergency Plan PAGE 3 0600 0700…