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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 20 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and emissions reductions.

1 result

London Borough of Islington

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of having no carbon dioxide emissions produced. If any are produced, they are offset by carbon reducing processes. Carbon Offset Fund: A fund that developers have to pay into if their developments fail to meet emission targets. This money is then used to support carbon reduction projects in Islington. Carbon Offsetting: Removing carbon from the atmosphere in order to balance carbon emissions

… fleet to reduce emissions. • £0.8m to continue our Warmth on Prescription and Community Energy Fund schemes. Islington was one of the first councils to establish a dedicated Carbon Offset Fund in 2014. Since then we have raised £12m of funding through S106 planning obligations to deliver carbon reduction projects, of which over £6.5m has been spent and a further £1.8m is expected…

… of 42% since 2005. The annual carbon emissions from buildings and fleet over which the council has direct control amounted to around 27,000 tonnes in 2018/19. However, despite the council’s own carbon footprint being just under 4% of the borough total, we believe that the council is in a strong position to influence carbon reduction in the borough, using a range of techniques, measures…

… away from gas where possible. In doing so we will work with borough partners such as schools and colleges, universities and the NHS to support them to reduce carbon emissions from their estates. 2. Transport Reduce emissions in the borough from transport: We will reduce vehicular emissions by encouraging walking, cycling and public transportation. By working collaboratively, we will explore…

… closely with the 21,000 businesses in the borough, most of them small or micro- sized: We will ensure that our development and planning policies require growth and new developments meet the highest emissions reductions targets possible. 5. The Natural Environment and Waste Reduction and Recycling Integrate our ongoing activities in recycling and reducing waste and managing our natural…


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