Including 19 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and emissions reductions.
…), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and ozone (O3). IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Mitigation In climate change terms, mitigation refers to human interventions to reduce emissions. Net zero emissions When anthropogenic CO2e emissions are balanced globally by anthropogenic CO2e removals over a specified period. Also referred to as carbon neutrality. Paris Agreement…
… an equal or greater amount of carbon emissions from the atmosphere (for example, by planting more trees or using carbon removal technology). This is known as offsetting. The pathway to net zero must focus primarily on emissions reductions, with only a small amount of offsetting taking place where strictly necessary. While the council can control its own operations and is likely to be able to meet…
… 13 identify the emissions reductions required across the island’s residential housing, business, transport, and land use. This study demonstrated the challenge ahead of us and made clear that different target dates would allow the Island greater flexibility and achievability in meeting its goals…
… Island outcomes • The council will reduce emissions in its estate and activities to meet net zero by 2030. This will be split into five sets of outcomes and actions: • Behaviour • Energy • Council travel and fleet • Waste • Environment and Biosphere Council outcomes 20 5 CARBON FOOTPRINTS A carbon footprint is defined by the Carbon Trust as: “The total greenhouse gas…
… 5 Carbon footprints ...................................................................................................... 19 5.1 Island-wide emissions ...................................................................................................... 20 5.2 Isle of Wight Council emissions ........................................................................................ 22 6…