Including 5 closely related terms such as reduction, emissions, and emission.
…. Define scope of activities and emission sources to be included in the programme. Calculate the baseline emissions to be used as the start of the journey to net zero. Model the scenarios which will achieve the highest carbon reduction. Deliver projects within the Climate Challenge Programme. Scope Scope 1 emissions Fuel…
… used by Council owned and operated buildings Gas used by combined heat and power plant Fuel used by Council vehicles and plant Scope 2 emissions Grid electricity used by Council owned and operated buildings Grid electricity used by street lighting and CCTV Scope 3 emissions Water supply and treatment for Council…
… owned and operated buildings Business travel Staff commuting Waste from Council operations Purchasing of goods and services Energy use by leased assets The baseline – 2019/20 emissions (tCO2e – tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) Emission sources 2019/2020 emissions (tCO2e…
…) Buildings 11,373 Business travel 544 Commuting 4341 Fleet 3180 Street lighting and CCTV 1268 Supply chain 36,365 Waste 4 Total emissions 56,618 In this section Climate Change Climate Challenge Programme…