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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 10 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emissions, and minimise emissions.

1 result

Borough of Broxbourne

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… the carbon footprint of Council buildings 2. Reduce the use of petrol and diesel by the Council and minimise emissions 3. Consider sustainability in use of materials and procurement decisions Objective 1: Reduce the carbon footprint of Council buildings Task Responsibility Target Resourcing Programme update RAG Status 1.1 Undertake Carbon Emissions assessment to develop baseline figures…

… the use of petrol and diesel by the Council and minimise emissions Task Responsibility Target Resourcing Programme update RAG Status 2.1 Develop and implement a staff travel plan to reduce car journeys by staff. This may include more use of online conferencing, setting up car sharing and providing bicycles for journeys in-borough – pool bikes for any officer to use, and bicycles…

…. b) BEST have confirmed they use trackers on fleet vehicles to ensure correct routes taken so no excess mileage, and use of dashcams so supervisors do not need to travel out to site. 2.3 Maximise fuel efficiency and minimise emissions from Council vehicles running on fossil fuels. Director of Environmental Services Council vehicles follow procedures to maximise fuel…

… epidemic. and Business Manager (Sport) increased use of cleaning products that do not contain environmentally harmful ingredients such as bleach. 10 A GREENER BROXBOURNE This priority deals with protecting and enhancing the Borough’s environment, tackling air pollution and providing more greenery to help offset carbon emissions and add to the enjoyment of residents…

… for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Sustainability Officer Initial assessment by 31 October 2021 £25k budget agreed. Sustainability Officer has started to measure baseline data. Cabinet agreed on 8 September that a specialist consultant would be employed to establish the carbon outputs from all the Council’s current activities, the actions which would be needed to achieve…


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