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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 10 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Angus Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… an unprecedented increase in the recognition of the global threat posed by climate change and the need for national and local governments, alongside the private sector and local communities, to take action. In addition to strong national policy, tackling climate change requires committed action at a local level. Local authorities have a key role to play in helping to reduce carbon emissions and build…

… This SECAP reflects these national ambitions, presenting a clear plan for a green recovery in Angus. Council Role In addition to strong national policy, tackling climate change requires committed action at a local level. Local authorities have a key role to play in helping to reduce carbon emissions and build resilience. As visible institutions, they have the opportunity to lead by example…

… of residual waste at a waste to energy plant in Dundee, diverting waste away from landfills and reducing carbon emissions by 74% in 2018 in comparison to the previous year16. Angus Council has also been taking steps to increase the resilience of the region to the impacts of climate change. Together with the Scottish Government, the council has secured funding to deliver the multimillion-pound…

… demonstrating how Angus can both reduce its carbon emissions and increase the resilience of the region to the potential impacts of climate change through concrete, deliverable actions. Angus’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and adapting to climate change is reflected across several of its strategic policies including the Angus Community Plan 2017-203018, The Angus Local Development Plan 201619…

…/ 21 Urban Foresight Risk and Vulnerabilities Assessment (RVA) The effects of climate change are already being felt across the UK. In addition to reducing carbon emissions, it is essential that governments prepare for the potential consequences of climate change. According to an assessment by the Adaptation Sub-Committee of the UK Committee on Climate…


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