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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 15 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and gas emissions.

1 result

East Devon District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Point Plan v7) MITIGATION There is likely to be cost implications but these are unknown at this stage. Conduct a review of the carbon footprint of materials, products and services we procure to identify options to reduce carbon emissions from the Council’s supply chain. Include specific low carbon alternatives, for example in civil engineering projects (low carbon concrete) and show…

…. Promote and encourage new business models focused around the Circular Economy. Build the commitment to sustainable procurement in both the public and private sectors. December 2019 SD We need to have a better appreciation of supply chain issues in relation to carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions. There will be cost implications but these are unknown at this stage. Include an agreed…

…. September 2019 MS Encourage energy efficiency measures being installed in homes with financial incentives. Use enforcement and education powers to improve the energy efficiency of private sector homes encouraging landlords, tenants and owners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. September 2019 MS Target the use of powers and educational measures towards private owners and tenants…

… at this stage and unsure if direct costs on the Council. Gather evidence and develop policy ideas for consideration for inclusion in the review of the East Devon Local Plan for specific measures to address climate change in new developments in the district in the future. (September 2020). September 2020 EF Directing funding raised through planning contributions towards carbon reduction

…. March 2020 RC Advise and educate business on the carbon reduction projects that they could usefully undertake. Energy - Reduce electricity consumption within the commercial and public sectors. Develop heat supply networks to deliver low carbon heat. Encourage the use of smart meters and energy storage solutions. Increase the amount of energy generated locally using renewable technologies…


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