Including 9 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and reduce emissions.
… points for BFC vehicles across 6 sites (TS x 4, Comm Centre x 2, Waymead, TLO, WM Park) BFC fleet now has 6 EV’s / 1 hybrid vehicle, representing almost 25% of council owned fleet Reduce emissions from Home to School transport scheme Community only impact Managing the natural environ Climate Change Strategy Delivery/Customer Experience/Transport & Support Services Matt…
…, and it will then be submitted and examined, with adoption anticipated in 2022. Draft Bracknell Forest Local Plan (2019) - construction Emerging policy on sustainable construction requires a reduction in carbon emissions or net zero emissions for new dwellings, water efficiency standards and sustainability standards for non- residential development Community only impact Managing the natural environment…
… BREEAM excellent standard Unsure - plan period is 2020 - 2037 Percentage of major residential development not meeting zero carbon standard; Percentage of all other residential schemes not meeting 19% improvement in the dwelling emission rate over the target emission rate; Percentage of residential development not meeting water efficiency standard of 110 litres/person/day; Percentage…
… Development Plan; Climate Change Strategy People/Early Help & Communities/Welfare & Housing Hazel Hill / Cllr Hayes all new developments of 5+ homes or more than 500 sq metres to demonstrate measures to reduce CO2 emissions by 10% and to provide 20% of all energy consumed by on-site renewable means; all new developemnt of less than 5 / less than 500 sq metres to demonstrate…
… measures to reduce CO2 emissions by 10% Measurement of this policy commenced in Oct 2018 That was point zero. no: of new homes meeting set criteria p.a. TARGET FIGURE of 500 p.a. (1,389 in first two years of measurement Oct 18_20). 2050 Nil Hazel Hill - 36 homes met the criteria in Q4 Monitor residential energy efficiency (ELMHURST database) Updating the database including new…