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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 20 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and emissions reductions.

1 result

Richmondshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to reduce carbon emissions is, and what the costs of doing so will be b) the solutions to and costs of reducing carbon emissions is a rapidly evolving area. This brings with it significant risks of getting ‘locked in’ to costly solutions which may not deliver all the emissions reductions needed in some areas if commitments are made now to action that will not take place for a few years c) the plan…

… external funding for carbon emission reduction projects that would otherwise have been unachievable. The actions and projects reflect the Council’s role as an influencer and leader as well as being an organisation that can take action to tackle its own carbon emissions. The projects are set out in four tables in Appendices 1-4, organised into the following categories: Appendix 1: Carbon reduction

… commitments to support and work with others to help achieve net zero carbon in the district. There are Council services, such as planning and waste and recycling, whose purpose is intrinsically linked to reducing carbon emissions in the wider Richmondshire District and further afield, and where planned action will help to strengthen and accelerate the carbon emissions reduction element of them…

… an advancement on this. c) the statutory requirements and Government policy in place at the time of plan preparation. For example, whilst desirable from a carbon emissions reduction viewpoint, there are laws that prevent some services such as elections going entirely paperless, and virtual council meetings are no longer allowed following expiry of the relevant Covid-19 regulations. 10 Resourcing…

… and from decomposing waste in landfill. Greenhouse gases are commonly referred to as carbon emissions. They are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, CO2(e). One tonne of CO2(e) can be visualised as a cube that is about the height of a three storey building. Reducing carbon emissions from human activity to net zero is the internationally recognised way to slow down or stop climate change…


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