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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 11 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and reduction.

1 result

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… (>1% of b.e.) n/a Action completed in 2020-21 n/a n/a Footway lights (4% of b.e.) 1.7 Install energy saving LED fittings in all council owned streetlights C6) Upgrade our stock of 1,800 streetlights to LED, which will reduce energy consumption and save Parish Councils money 31-Mar-22 Business mileage (7% of b.e.) 1.8 Investigate options to reduce carbon emissions from business mileage…

… measures 31-Dec-21 Small sites (85 sites, including gas and electricity for heating and lighting in communal rooms and communal areas in blocks of flats; 12% of b.e) 1.5 Install solar PV array to Elm Court sheltered housing scheme, Over 31-Mar-22 1.6 Review community rooms and other small sites to identify and deliver opportunities for carbon reduction 31-Mar-22 Waterbeach Depot Office…

… Ref Action (blue = as stated in Business Plan) Business Plan 2020-25 (2020-21 revision) reference, where relevant Expected completion date Progress at 30 September 2021 Progress at 31 Mar 2022 RAG rating Fleet (58% of baseline emissions) 1.1 Implement depot changes to prepare for electric refuse collection vehicle (eRCV…

… including salary sacrifice electric car scheme for staff C1) In response to global climate crisis e will continue to work towards a zero carbon future by 2050 30-Sep-21 Further actions to reduce GHG emissions from resource use (not currently included in GHG emissions accounts) 1.9 With a view to enabling the elimination of paper agendas and reports for Council and committe meetings, explore…

… options for overcoming technical difficulties which are preventing some Members from accessing the ModGov app, and through this, electronic agendas. D5) Council and committee meetings will be run paper- free wherever possible ongoing 2. Support efforts to achieve a 50% reduction in GHG emissions from the district as a whole by 2030 In the Council's housing stock 2.1 Commission a Stock…


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