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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 10 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and gas emissions.

1 result

Aberdeen City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… w er in g A b er d ee n S p o n so r Support *Flexible governance arrangements will allow for adjustments to the Energy and Climate Programme as required by any changes to legislation, targets, emission scenarios, resources etc Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Funding actions Early action to adapt to climate change will allow time to plan ahead…

… scheme. But alongside work taking place to reduce emissions, there is a need to take action to prepare for inevitable changes in climate. This is called adaptation. Aberdeen Adapts will sit alongside Powering Aberdeen, the city’s Sustainable Energy Action Plan, to deliver a city-wide climate change programme. We need to adapt… The global climate is changing and this is expected…

…. POWERING ABERDEEN reducing greenhouse gas emissions ABERDEEN ADAPTS responding to the impacts of climate change Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Introduction From wetter weather to warmer temperatures the climate is changing2 and this will bring considerable new challenges for Aberdeen. This means our city will need to get ready, adjusting to the impacts and making…

… • Woodside Primary School • 2050 Climate Group Aligning with Powering Aberdeen Powering Aberdeen6 is Aberdeen’s Sustainable Energy Action Plan, aiming to improve energy efficiency and increase uptake of alternative technologies in the city. Reducing emissions, is essential to limit the impact of climate change. However, there will still be change. So, alongside work to reduce emissions

… were used to inform the Aberdeen Adapts Framework. Measures to work with partners to adapt to climate change and enhance the positive effects of Aberdeen Adapts, include: • Reducing fragmentation; and protecting and enhancing biodiversity. • Reducing emissions during any project development and protecting air quality. • Making efficient use of water and protecting the water environment…


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