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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 22 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and emissions reduction.

1 result

Waverley Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… in the local community. Trajectory The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) funded a project to develop Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction (SCATTER) to support local authorities with modeling area emission targets based on scenarios that are consistent with the United Nations Paris Climate Agreement. Using this methodology, it has been…

… emergency. Waverley Borough Council had never before declared a state of emergency of any kind, and this is significant. For this is not merely another policy initiative; it is an attempt to ensure we do everything we can as a council as part of a worldwide movement to reduce carbon emissions to a level which will keep global temperatures in check. In essence, we are doing our bit to avoid…

emissions associated with remaining below a specific global average temperature Carbon Neutral – All carbon emissions are either eliminated or are offset by counteracting emissions through carbon absorbing projects. To become carbon neutral an organisation should be considering its own direct emissions as well as those created by suppliers. CIL - Community Infrastructure Levy. Charge levied…

… purchased (Scope 2) and indirect emissions from energy consumption from all our outsourced buildings and service delivery (Scope 3). The adoption of the Carbon Management Plan in 2010 and the Energy Efficiency Plan in 2015 took the council through a carbon reduction journey. Since 2008 we have seen a natural growth in population and social housing provision, we have increased the service…

… properties (Scope 3) Staff business travel (Scope 3) Contractor Travel (Scope 3) Other emissions (Scope 1 & 2) Figure 1. Organisational emissions Carbon Neutrality Action Plan – V10 Final 10 Borough wide baseline Waverley Borough’s overall carbon footprint was 577 ktCO2e in 2015. This comprises transport…


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