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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 12 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and reduction.

1 result

Cheshire East Council (Unitary)

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… are ambitious enough. Stakeholder Engagement workshop • To provide key stakeholders with an opportunity to inform, critique and prioritise content for the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan. • Identification factors that may enable or challenge various council emissions reductions activities. Further research into proposed actions • To consolidate and develop ideas from the stakeholder engagement session…

… 28 20 30 20 32 20 34 20 36 20 38 20 40 20 42 20 44 20 46 20 48 20 50 Direct Control Scenario Analysis to 2050 The below analysis shows an emissions scenario for the emissions classified as ‘Direct Control’. The only variable changed is the electricity grid carbon intensity. This tracks the BEIS Energy and Emissions Projections. This analysis shows 2 key things: • Emissions

… in emissions from procurement could save 5,779 tCO2e over a fiscal year.10 Opportunity to influence suppliers and contractors to reduce their emissions. e. Work with all commissioned services and major procurements to ensure they have carbon reduction policies and procedures in place. Within business case.1 Continue work to establish baseline of top 50 suppliers. Develop criteria…

…. • Confirm carbon budget and target for borough-wide emissions. • Review all new policies to understand if carbon aspirations were included • Confirm if the carbon/environmental elements within scoring and social value assessment have been updated. • Confirm the process of reviewing pension investments has begun. 21 1. Behaviour Change and Internal Policy Case study: Action 1.3: Reducing

… businesses, residents and organisations to reduce emissions The council will: Action Plan and Supplementary Annex Outputs from this work: Wider Council Strategies Introduction At the Council meeting on 22 May 2019 the Elected Members of Cheshire East Council (CEC) approved the following Notice of Motion relating to Climate Change. “This Council notes that on 1 May Parliament declared…


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