Including 11 closely related terms such as gas emissions, reductions, and reduction.
… IN TR O D U C TIO N N EX T STEPS PAGE 4 l STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL l THE 2030 STRATEGY MASTER PLAN This document details an approach to help limit the global effects of climate change by becoming a carbon neutral district by 2030. Many of the greenhouse gas emissions within the district are not within the direct control of Stroud District Council. There are lots of things that we…
… To have completed a retrofit programme to realise the maximum emissions reductions on the council’s residential dwellings to achieve an average SAP C in energy performance across all properties SG 3 To have established and completed a carbon neutral action plan for the council’s public and operational estates FOCUS: the efficient use of power and water in our district’s buildings, towns…
… evidence that can accelerate the decision making process around future implementation. To be stipulated in the plan E.g. No of installs; emissions savings; £’s invested BE2 Low Carbon Pathfinding Research innovations such as Energiesprong, Modern Methods of Construction; Investigate partnerships that can help the District meet its retrofit challenges Identify and commence early ‘carbon…
…. The sheltered housing pilot will provide direct experience upon which to upscale our retrofit activity. Technical Recommendations reports for all aspects of our housing stock and completed capital projects. Housing Stock - No Carbon Retrofit/ Offset Action Plan developed; installs of new tech; carbon reductions achieved. E4 Land for Renewables We will explore how to manage our land assets…
… and health benefits, including carbon reductions. Develop Water Stewardship and Waterways Strategy, identifying mixed opportunities for re- wilding; economic regeneration; agricultural water stewardship; mobility solutions (on and alongside water) and energy generation potentials. The Water Stewardship and Waterways Strategy is delivering on identified opportunity and the council will review…