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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 26 closely related terms such as emission reductions, emission reductions, and gas emissions.

1 result

North West Leicestershire District Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

…) NWLDC Zero Carbon Roadmap Executive Summary 2 Why we must act The science is clear: our climate is changing and urgent efforts are required to accelerate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. In June 2019, the UK committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and North West Leicestershire District Council has declared a climate emergency. Society has…

… Zero Carbon 2050 Greenhouse gas emissions for North West Leicestershire showing the ‘carbon gap’ between business as usual and net zero carbon. Emissions from North West Leicestershire have fallen significantly due to the replacement of coal and gas fired-electricity generation with wind turbines and solar panels across the UK. Buildings and transport now need to see major…

gas emissions and influence Total greenhouse gas emissions from North West Leicestershire in 2016 by influence of NWLDC Direct emissions from NWLDC are less than 1.7% of total emissions from the district (Council buildings and homes, vehicle fleet). The Council can directly influence a further 32% of emissions. The main opportunities for direct influence are:  Planning…

… for new buildings  Planning control for new industrial installations and site emissionsElectric transport infrastructure  Waste reduction and diversion from landfill 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Total district GHG emissions Total district GHG reductions To ta l a nn ua l c ar bo n em is si on s fr om N W LD C (k tC O2 e) District Influence Direct Council

… and recycling vehicles could become close to net zero through phased replacement with an electric fleet. This will deliver immediate emission reductions, with emissions continuing to fall as the UK’s electricity supply decarbonises.  Pool cars should be changed at the next replacement cycle  Housing/ground maintenance vehicles should also change as soon as possible  Waste trucks should change…


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