Including 18 closely related terms such as gas emissions, reduction, and emission reduction.
… Theme 4 - Transport With climate change gas emissions from transport representing around 20% of total UK domestic emissions, transport must be part of the carbon reduction solution. Low carbon transport solutions also present huge opportunities; not just for climate change but for our communities’ health and the wider environment. Transport underpins the quality of life and economic…
… need to understand what emissions are caused by our activities. Quantifying our climate change gas emissions will help our organisation understand what our key emissions sources are, how our organisation contributes to global emissions, and what opportunities we have to reduce our emissions. When quantifying our current climate change gas emissions and setting targets for future…
… and historical emissions 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 BDC current historical emissions 11 Understanding this has allowed us to develop this carbon reduction plan in which we identify ways to reduce our carbon footprint and limit emissions from future activity whilst measuring our progress against targets throughout the lifetime of the plan. Fleet 15% Buildings and Workplace 70% 0…
…-detached house establish requirement uses 3500 KWh of for all new domestic electricity and development to 12,000 Kwh gas. achieve high % A 25% reduction on this carbon reduction would equate to a incorporating a saving of around minimum % of 1.3 tonnes of C02 renewable energy emissions per year…
… to adapt to climate change. Tha Act requires that emissions be reduced by at least 80% by 2050, set against 1990 levels. The Carbon Plan In December 2011 the Government developed the Carbon Plan with proposals for achieving reductions and meeting the 2050 target. This plan is in accordance with the Climate Change Act 2008 and determines the ways in which the emission reduction targets…