Including 18 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and emission reductions.
… Green Tides members, TCV, Tree Action UK and AWC. Trees slow rainfall through the canopy, help drainage, absorb water, sequester carbon and provide urban cooling. Eco Open Houses Open houses trail across Adur and Worthing, showcasing home improvements that reduce carbon emissions and create resilience for drought or flooding events. Shoreham Port sea…
…. CARBON REDUCTION Our aim is for Adur and Worthing to have reduced its carbon emissions to zero; with homes and businesses using renewable technologies for heating and energy, people choosing active travel and waste now used within a circular economy. What is already happening locally: Adur & Worthing Councils The council has declared a Climate…
… Emergency and is fully committed to reducing their carbon emissions across their estate and services. It has taken the UK 100 Cities Pledge and developed a Carbon Neutral Plan. SCATTER analysis The use of this tool by the council, has provided an analysis of what carbon reduction measures as required to achieve zero carbon by 2050. It plots various…
… emission reductions across different areas to see how carbon can be reduced.,156218,smxx.pdf Eco Open Houses Open houses…
… trail across Adur and Worthing, showcasing home improvements that reduce carbon emissions and create resilience for drought or flooding events. Care Without Carbon Worthing Hospitals are involved in the NHS scheme to reduce carbon emissions across the health estates. FingerPrints not Footprints Group of young people at Chatsmore Catholic High School (now Oscar…