Including 15 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and gas emissions.
…). For this reason, actions to reduce emissions from council housing are an important part of the carbon neutral plan. 33% 11% 56% Schools Street lighting and other Corporate buildings and Sheltered Homes Figure 2 The Council’s buildings emissions in 2019 2.3 The Council’s own greenhouse gas emissions Box 2: Measuring Emissions – Scopes 1, 2 and 3 The emissions directly arising in the borough…
… and are continuing to deliver initiatives that contribute to carbon reduction in the Borough. However, in addressing Climate Emergency we need to aim higher still. The development of the Carbon Neutral Plan has been informed by the following principles: 1. Urgency � The costs of inaction on Climate Change are high, whilst action to reduce carbon emissions supports the Royal Borough’s Corporate…
… and affordable food • Promote and support food growing opportunities across the borough Programme development • Maximise the impact from carbon reduction measures for business, employment and the local economy a. Conduct a programme of business support for SMEs to reduce carbon emissions. b. Develop a job creation scheme providing training/apprenticeships to support the Low Carbon Advice…
… in more sustainable ways Developing the Carbon Neutral Plan Greenwich Carbon Neutral Plan 2021- 2030 11 DR AF T 4 Governance This section explains how decisions about how the Carbon Neutral Plan will be delivered. � The Climate Change Task Force is a steering group set up to allow Cabinet Members to work together to oversee and coordinate work to reduce carbon emissions…
…. • Deliver pilot projects for energy efficiency retrofit works to 8 non-domestic buildings by Feb 2023 • Use the experience from pilots to create a carbon reduction policy for the council’s non-domestic buildings by the end of 2021. Immediate • Improve the understanding and management of energy and emissions from Council housing stock by 2021 • Improve the energy efficiency of existing…