Including 14 closely related terms such as reductions, reduction, and carbon emissions.
… team once appointed. Adopt SCATTER Phase 2 once it is released and identify other data sources to link actions to carbon reductions year on year, to confirm priority of measures, to prepare emissions budgets and to adjust reduction targets. Establish budgets and secure funding for the programme delivery Identify availability of Section 106 and CIL (IFS) along with external grants…
… a climate emergency in June 2019 and made a commitment to reducing carbon emissions across the Council’s own estate and influencing climate action planning, mitigation and adaptation across Warwick District. Development of a Climate Emergency Action Programme is the first step to formalizing an approach over the next decade, which can bring social, environmental and economic benefits…
… be to: Ensure that the planning system, led by the Local Plan, sets developments and land use standards aimed at reducing carbon emissions and building sustainable communities The population of the District is likely to increase over the next 10 years, the Local Plan has an important role to play in minimizing the impact on emissions of that increase but in transport and housing Develop…
… are part of the design of new housing and regeneration development Item 6 / Page 28 WDC Climate Emergency Action Programme ~ Executive Summary FINAL ~ 31.1.2020 8 Ensure carbon reduction features and BREEAM standards are included in major development schemes Encourage innovation and green design through supplementary planning documentation (SPD) Transition to Low Emission…
… Use – Households In the coming decade, Warwick District will have to improve the efficiency of all buildings to reduce the demand for energy and convert to low carbon and/or renewable heating. Actions could be to: Invest in community engagement campaigns which will encourage and target carbon emission reduction e.g. gas heating – with particular focus upon ‘hard-to-heat’ properties…