Including 19 closely related terms such as emissions reduction, emissions reductions, and reductions.
… of climate emissions which we have limited ability to impact, but also identifies areas where local action has a key role in reducing emissions. 5 2. Collaboration…
… of different forms of action; and 8 (iii) monitoring our performance in reducing carbon emissions. A range of data will need to be reported, because carbon footprint calculations alone cannot fulfil all three of these data functions in every areas of the council’s operations. Therefore, developing and improving data to appraise options and manage performance will be important. Data…
…. A19 Electrification – Powering a system by electricity, in many cases switching from a previous power source. This carbon reduction benefits of electrification are dependent on electricity being generated from low carbon sources. Greenhouse Gasses – Natural and industrial gases that trap heat from the Earth and warm the surface. The Kyoto Protocol restricts emissions of six…
…, with the ambition to limit the rise to 1.5oc. This target was chosen as an approximate indicator of dangerous levels of climate change. Global average temperatures have already risen by 0.9oc, with further rises inevitable due to carbon already emitted. Therefore, achieving this target requires that global emissions peak as soon as possible and reduce rapidly thereafter. The Intergovernmental…
… Panel on Climate Change states that meeting climate change goals will require ‘rapid and far-reaching transitions … (that) are unprecedented in terms of scale, but not necessarily in terms of speed, and imply deep emissions reductions in all sectors’. All countries are legally required to submit national action plans explaining how they will achieve their Nationally Defined Contribution…