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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 11 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and reduction.

1 result

Shropshire Council - Unitary

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… than currently possible. Salix Finance Ltd provides interest-free Government funding to the public sector to improve their energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower energy bills. Table 4 Summary Table of Street Light Savings Since 2012 Period Technology Capital (SALIX) Energy Saving (kWh p.a.) Saving (£ p.a.) GHG Saving (t.CO2e p.a.) 2019-2021 16,000 LED…

… Transport 3% Staff Business Travel… 2017 (Scope 1,2, CO2e Emmissions) Achieving Net Zero • The best available data suggests that Shropshire Council’s own carbon emissions were 23,000 tonnes in 2017, or 1.3% of the Shropshire total; • We have indirect influence over a significantly greater level of emissions; 1.75m tonnes net CO2 county level. • Our emissions have reduced by 26% from…

… Monitoring Shropshire Council began its Carbon Management Programme in 2010 and has been implementing energy saving measures since the early 2000s. Reporting obligations were done in conjunction with the CRC (Carbon Reduction Commitments) Energy Efficiency Scheme and Carbon Trust recommendations. These drivers established a protocol for actively monitoring energy, water and the measuring…

… resulting carbon emissions. This works well and is done consistently using Energy monitoring software. Tables 1, 2, below show total consumption across corporate buildings. Appendix B details the assumptions used. Financial years at four-year interval: 2012 and 2016. Table 1 2012/13 Building Consumption and Running Costs (all sites) FY2012/13 (kWh) Cost (£) kgCO2e Electric 31,651,907…

… (Sustainable Transport National Cycle Network also attended). Following this success, we will host an e-bike stall at the Tech Severn Event this year, together with other low carbon technologies. Resource Managment Veolia has provided favourable carbon emission data based on Shropshire Council’s Municipal waste contract (Table 6). Municipal Waste The carbon footprint for domestic…


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