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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 16 closely related terms such as emissions reduction, gas emissions, and reduction.

1 result

Scottish Borders Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… (Emissions Reduction Targets)(Scotland) Act 2019; ii. to build upon the work we have undertaken to date, and to align our policies to address the Climate Emergency; iii. to set out a clear plan of action to reduce our carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases, such plan to return to Council for consideration before March 2021; iv. to assess the resource requirements placed on the Council…

… to address these fundamental challenges. 4.4 Recognising the impact that the global climate emergency will have on every community and every business, Scotland has set ambitious targets as part of its Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets)(Scotland) Act 2019, which received Royal Assent on 31 October 2019. The primary objective of the Act is to raise the ambition of the greenhouse gas emissions

reduction targets set out in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. Part 4 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 places duties upon public bodies which require that that a public body ‘must, in exercising its functions, act in the way best calculated to contribute to the delivery of emissions reduction targets (known as 'mitigation'), in the way best calculated to help deliver any statutory…

… decent, fair and high value work, in a way which does not negatively affect the current workforce and overall economy. 4.8 Much of the climate emergency response focuses on reducing emissions (mitigation). Due to the complexity of how our atmosphere works, many of these interventions will take decades for the climate benefits to be realised. In the meantime, it is essential that we also…

… and Climate Change Acts. Therefore, Scottish Government guidance should clarify and improve understanding of the vertical alignment of public sector bodies with national emissions inventories and emission reduction plans. 6.10 Around the world, including in the UK with Climate Assembly UK and Scottish Government’s Big Climate Conversation, there is widespread recognition that the public…


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