Including 18 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and gas emissions.
… since reopening. 31 Borough carbon budget Based on the United Nations Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to “well below 2°C and pursuing 1.5°C”, UK emission reduction targets have been calculated across UK local authorities13. In order to make our fair contribution towards the Paris Agreement, Wyre borough as a whole must stay within a maximum emissions…
… an immediate and rapid programme of decarbonisation. Figure 4: Recommended carbon emissions budget (MtCO2e) for the borough, from 2018 to 2100. 32 Delivering our plan How we will achieve our target 33 Delivering our plan Objectives To achieve our target, we have identified eight key objectives for both our council and the wider area…
… the environment and reduce carbon emissions so that future generations will not be too adversely affected by the effects of climate change.” Of those who took part in the survey, respondents considered their knowledge on the topic was moderately broad, with limited scepticism about the causes of climate change. They indicated that their main motivation for changing their behaviours was the concern…
… sea levels and more unusual and intense storms. It is vital that we all work together to reduce our carbon emissions in a responsible and sustainable way and prepare ourselves for the increased risks we now facing. As the Leader of Wyre Council, and a father to two young children, tackling climate change is high on my agenda – we need to protect our children’s future. In July 2019, we…
… reach4. Instead, the world is currently on track towards a catastrophic average 4°C rise. UK target In 2008, the Climate Change Act was introduced in the UK - the first legally binding climate change mitigation target set by any country. This commits the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, based on 1990 levels. It also includes a series of five-year carbon…