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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 10 closely related terms such as gas emissions, emissions cuts, and emissions.

1 result

North of Tyne Combined Authority

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… coast to the border with Cumbria in the West. The population of the region is some 816,000 people in a mix of urban and rural communities. There is a mounting evidence base as to the increasing impacts of climate change and on the shifts in behaviour, culture and practice that will be needed to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst effects of global warming and adapt…

… 2020. ‘More than half of the emissions cuts needed rely on people and businesses taking up low- carbon solutions - decisions that are made at a local and individual level. Many of these decisions depend on having supporting infrastructure and systems in place. Local authorities have powers or influence over roughly a third of emissions in their local areas’. ‘Local Authorities…

…. They should not be viewed as an agreed list, but as a snapshot of what some considered might be useful. • Fairness. • Urgency. • It’s clear who will pay. • Reducing emissions. • Cooperation: people cooperating with each other and organisations working better with other organisations. • Are there co-benefits? • Are there unintended consequences? • Honesty / transparency. • Working…

… 16 Commentator: North of Tyne emissions now and in the future Video footage of their presentations can be seen here. Before Assembly members heard from the final commentator of the day, they took part in a visioning activity designed to encourage participants to think into the future and imagine a positive vision for twenty years’ time. The activity encouraged people…

… sessions. They were asked to reflect that in previous sessions they had heard from commentators: - an introduction to climate change and its impacts; - where some of the emissions are coming from; - which organisations might be able to take action to address the problem? Preliminary list of suggested themes for investigation in the remaining sessions • Housing: making our existing housing…


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