Including 10 closely related terms such as reduction, carbon emissions, and emissions.
… Council committed itself to this agenda by declaring a climate change emergency in July 2019 to also achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The Strategic Development Framework released in February 2021 sets out how the authority will work towards achieving its carbon emissions target. Introduction The County Council recognises that a range of actions are needed to stop or reduce the Council’s…
… in understanding and identifying carbon impacts and reduction opportunities. Identify the resources required to progress the climate change agenda across the council. Climate Change team to provide expertise and support to business areas to develop ideas to deliver innovation. Deliver DfT/ADEPT Live Labs 2 project (subject to funding approval) to consider opportunities for reducing carbon emissions…
… carbon emissions. These actions are to either stop carbon emissions, develop ways to remove carbon that is already in the atmosphere (sequestration) or help communities and businesses prepare for the impact of a changing climate (adaptation). In achieving these actions, the authority will play its part in the global effort to reduce the impact of Climate Change and meet its net carbon zero target…
…. The Council will monitor its carbon emissions each year, to track the success of these actions. Between 2018 and 2021 we have reduced our carbon emissions by 43%. This is the first revision of the 2021-2025 action plan this updated plan reflects our completed actions, presents reviewed existing actions where appropriate and introduces some new actions to maintain our journey to net carbon zero. Simon…
… Tagg - Staffordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change Key Themes Theme 1: Carbon Reduction Theme 2: Air Quality Theme 3: Natural Environment Theme 4: Waste Theme 5: Behavioural Change Carbon Reduction The Carbon Reduction theme has the most amount of actions within the plan. These actions cover internal staff training, resource use…