Including 17 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and gas emissions.
… economic growth and create new jobs, and train residents to access jobs; • Grow to a better economy which has higher GVA and productivity, better quality jobs, more innovation and R&D, lower carbon emissions, less inequality and exclusion. 14 Build Back Better 15 Heart of SW Route Map to Recovery…
… of 93,667, showing a 2.7% increase in the North Devon population over that 7-year period. Between 2018 and 2033 North Devon’s population is set to grow by 7% to an estimated 103,400. It may be useful to understand the carbon dioxide emissions from the district in the context of the other local authorities across Devon. The graphic below highlights the differences between carbon emissions from…
…. Rural areas have higher emissions from agriculture, while manufacturing and other industrial processes tend to be located in urban areas, so these areas have higher emissions associated with these activities. Fig 1 2019 Greenhouse gas emissions across Devon by Sector (with kind permission of Devon County Council) 3 The case for declaring a climate emergency Our…
… equivalent) emissions reduce from their current 6.5 tonnes per person per year to less than 2 tonnes, and this needs to be done as soon as possible. Whilst the cause might be a subject of debate for some, human activity has contributed to the situation and so we have a moral duty to intervene. The risk of not acting could have profound consequences on this and future generations. 1 IPPC…
… the services in the Council will be aligned to and working towards these aims. Specific actions that will be taken forward by us and in partnership include: • Work with partners to develop a County wide carbon reduction plan to comply with international targets • Work with our communities on developing new practices that protect the environment 9 • Work to enhance green spaces…