Including 21 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and reduce emissions.
… our planet a cleaner, greener place to live. Net zero – what does it mean and how do you measure it? ‘The Government target is for at least a 100% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990 levels) in the UK by 2050. This can be achieved by a combination of emission reduction and emission removal.’ - Net zero and the different official…
… measures of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, Office of National Statistics, 2019 As ‘net zero’ is a combination of emissions and removal of greenhouse gases, the objective for 2030 is not to reach zero transport-related emissions, but to reduce emissions by an amount that allows the residual emissions to be absorbed by, or removed from, the environment…
… changes were then made to this report as part of the final adopted version The inclusion of the Climate and Ecological Emergency as one of our core policy themes demonstrates our commitment to do what is needed to overcome this challenge. Climate change, caused mainly by carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, is having a harmful effect on our planet. Whilst carbon…
… policy Alongside other local authorities in the West of England region, we at B&NES have declared a Climate Emergency, and are committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030. This means that by 2030, we will need to be able to balance our carbon emissions, to ensure that the level of greenhouse gas we release into the atmosphere is no greater than the amount we remove. Transport currently…
… accounts for 29% of carbon emissions in the B&NES area. UK domestic transport emissions 2019 (in metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) The B&NES Climate Emergency Outline Plan identified the scale of change required to meet the carbon neutrality target. There are many…