Including 4 closely related terms such as electric vehicles, electric vehicle, and electric vehicle charge.
… with Transpennine Express, Stagecoach and EYMS toward commissioning the design and implementation of a scheme to facilitate the electrification of the Hull Interchange Bus Electrification and the use of electric buses is being progressed through the developing Bus Partnership; The business case for investment in the electric vehicle infrastructure to support the transition of the council fleet…
… that will come into force by the end of 2021 to require the installation of electric vehicle charge points and charge point readiness in both new build and refurbished domestic and non- commercial properties. This will impact the main council budget and Housing Revenue Account. 5.25 These key policy announcements will drive funding bids, and this is already being felt in funding for housing, corporate…
… projects on energy generation and the transition to electric vehicles, as well as the significant role of major investment and strategic direction to stimulate and enable active travel in the city as the largest single source of carbon emissions. 2. Recommendations 2.1 Carbon Neutral Pathway and Delivery Plan That a pathway and delivery plan for the achievement of a science-based net…
… to determine the costs to transition electric heating by May 2022. 2.7.6 That in developing the revisions to the Fleet contract with KWL from April 2022, a requirement be made for all leased Council fleet vehicles under 3.5 tonnes, upon renewal, to be moved from petrol or diesel to electric vehicles, or hybrid vehicles where the market is unable to provide an electric solution within…