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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including the closely related terms electric vehicle, and electric vehicle charging.

1 result

Forest of Dean District Council

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… and funding options investigated e.g. Salix Finance. Vehicle Fleet Review of fleet arrangements and investigating strategy for carbon reduction. Street wardens’ trialled hybrid vehicle. Electric van free trial secured (date TBC). Survey for electric vehicle charging point in council staff car park undertaken. Investigated options for electric pool cars and low carbon waste collection vehicles…

… opportunities for Local Plan to reduce carbon emissions in new homes. Climate Change Risk Assessment Reviewing council owned built and land assets for vulnerability to impacts of climate change. Electric vehicle charging Investigating options for installing electric vehicle charging points in council owned car-parks. District carbon audit Review of district wide carbon emissions (2005 – 2017…

… Develop and resource plan for a longer term strategy Develop longer term strategy – 5 years S FoDDC NGOs Interest groups etc FoDDC to lead and provide secretariat support S Renewable energy on Council property Lead by installing renewable energy sources on Council property S-M FoDDC Tenants and Occupiers Legal Property Capital budget E EV (Electric Vehicle

… only T Taxis Licencing explore an escalator of licencing fees to incentivise hybrid and electric vehicles Sets out a long term strategy in tandem with EV charging points S-M FoDDC Legal Licencing T Impact Timescale: S = <2yrs, M = 2-4yrs, L = >4yrs Theme: C= Communication, S= Strategy/Procurement, E= Energy, T= Transport, L= landscape, P=Planning (September 2019…

…) charging roll out strategy (PG) Support the provision of a network for rapid charging for both public and council vehicles S-M FoDDC EV suppliers Carparks Legal Procurement Property services T Public sector vehicles strategy Develop a pathway to low carbon (EV/Hybrid vehicles) M-L FoDDC Waste Collection Contactor Waste contract Long lead in time, propriety work…


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