Including 4 closely related terms such as electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and emission vehicles.
… possible and the provision of electric vehicle charging facilities Ongoing Air quality P1.8 Build partnerships with like-minded organisations to help support the viability of net zero development within the Borough Ongoing Green economy P1.9 Establish a programme for delivery of biodiversity net gain offset projects with details of biodiversity gains to be achieved 2022 Organisations…
… or voluntary provision Ongoing Air quality T5.4 Develop emissions-reducing policies and infrastructure that encourage the transition to cleaner freight, such as electric vehicle charging hubs for larger vehicles, loading regulations and dynamic kerbside management to improve efficiency and reduce congestion. 2026 Air quality Theme 6: Highways and infrastructure Objective: 1. Use highways…
… and transport on the site to be zero carbon e.g. White City regeneration 2022 5 Ensure development within regeneration areas contribute towards area-wide sustainable infrastructure (e.g. decarbonised energy networks, sustainable transport etc) through updating of Infrastructure Delivery Plans. P1.7 Use regulatory planning powers to incentivise and promote low emission vehicles wherever…
… Theme 4: Vehicles and road space This theme includes an investment in the council’s own operating fleet, projected at £19m. Although the upfront costs for electric vehicles are higher, this investment is projected to be substantially recovered by 2030 by the lower operating costs of the fleet (with £7m fuel savings projected by 2030), and taking into account the business-as-usual expenditure…
… T4.1 Improve EV infrastructure across the borough including charging points and stations, dedicated parking bays and information to improve access, ensuring every property is within 200m of a charging point by 2026. 2026 Air quality Health T4.2 Explore road space policies including zero-emissions zones and electric vehicle-only parking bays. 2030 Air quality Health T4.3 Develop…