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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including the closely related terms electric vehicle, and electric vehicles.

1 result

South Oxfordshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Direct The results of these actions will produce a quantifiable reduction in carbon emissions from implementing a specific project or making a direct change to a service. For example, we will be able to measure the reduction in our carbon emissions from swapping to electric vehicles, or from implementing a new waste management contract. Emissions from direct actions will be calculated using…

… Head of Planning Cabinet Member for Planning Produce an options paper for pool electric vehicles for use by council staff to reduce emissions from business mileage, implementing if approved WOW17 Narrative Narrative update on the development of business case for piloting pool electric vehicles, including on the carbon emission savings and decision making progress strategic Head of Policy…

… Head of Policy and Programmes Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Policy and Programmes Support taxi drivers in switching to electric vehicles, including reviewing options to incentivise the switch through fees and charges C10 Narrative with quantitative elements Data on the number of taxi drivers driving electric vehicles and narrative update on the support to taxi drivers for doing…


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