Including 4 closely related terms such as electric vehicle, electric vehicle infrastructure, and electric vehicle infrastructure.
… for retrofitting buildings, £1.3 billion for developing electric vehicle infrastructure and £5.2 billion for new flood and coastal defences. During the pandemic the government has made a range of climate-related announcements although some expected national strategies were delayed. National policy changed rapidly in the run up to the United Nations Climate Summit, known as COP26, held in Glasgow…
… a transport system in Wiltshire that has zero carbon emissions, acknowledging the different solutions for our towns and city versus rural villages z Creating the infrastructure for increased walking, cycling, shared and public transport and use of alternative fuels, including electric vehicle charging points z Achieving high-quality public transport and transport hubs that offer a pleasant…
… with our climate objectives that will set out plans and policies to help achieve the vision for sustainable mobility and transport in Wiltshire ! Explore how the council can best support infrastructure to encourage the uptake of all types of zero carbon vehicles by Wiltshire residents and businesses, through Wiltshire Council’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Plan and other future…
… will require action across all areas, with a significant role played by zero emissions vehicles, in conjunction with reducing trips and shifting modes. Zero emissions transport is a necessary priority, since transport produces the largest proportion of emissions in the county. Natural Environment, food and farming A healthy natural environment is crucial to achieving net zero, and providing ways…
… of the order of magnitude of investment required in Wiltshire. The majority of these costs will be funded by individuals and businesses improving their building energy performance and switching to electric vehicles; however, some council funding will be required to unlock investment and act as match funding to draw in large grants from government and other investors. The main risk recognised…