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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including 4 closely related terms such as electric vehicles, electric vehicle, and emission vehicles.

1 result

Thanet District Council

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…) EIR (8) elections (7) electric vehicle charging bays (1) Ellington Park (2) Empty properties (1) Energy (2) energy advice (1…

… agreed and includes policies which encourage sustainable transport, water efficiency, energy efficiency and renewable energy (including requirements for electric vehicle charging points). It also includes a new biodiversity net gain policy. We will update these in the Local Plan early review to further encourage increased use of renewable energy, water use efficiency and use of low carbon materials…

… networks. The way individuals choose to travel makes a big impact on their personal carbon footprint so we want to make these networks as safe and accessible as possible. The Environmental Protection (Air Quality) EHO worked with KCC to obtain further funding from the Office of Low Emission Vehicles to install new electric charging points in car parks within Thanet, and rapid EV taxi chargers in Margate…

… and Birchington. This new infrastructure will encourage the use of electric vehicles to help reduce pollution and reliance on fossil fuels. Annual Status Report (ASR) 2020. Thanet has seen it’s third consecutive year running where low pollution levels have achieved air quality objectives based on data collected at 34 locations across the district. Defra have reviewed and assessed the council’s ASR and provided…

… positive feedback on the measures to continue to address air quality within the district, including encouraging the uptake of electric vehicles and promotion of alternative forms of travel. View our air quality reports and new Guidance on Electric Vehicles


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