Including 4 closely related terms such as electric vehicles, electric vehicle, and powered vehicles.
… to maximise Tameside’s part in this new chapter in UK economics. When this strategy is read in conjunction with the Inclusive Growth Strategy, (Draft) Housing Strategy, Clean Air Strategy, Fleet Replacement Strategy, (Draft) Planning Strategy (pending adoption of GM’s Places for Everyone), (Draft) Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy and STAR Procurements renewed principles…
… and mental health. Decarbonising the transport sector by improving fuel efficency and moving from petrol and diesel to electric vehicles will make enhancements to air quality and reduce the strain on the NHS. By protecting against biodiversity loss we can safeguard the food system helping to prevent against food shortages and assosiated health impacts. Improving digital infrastructure will help…
… lighting across 69% of columns during phase 1 of the rollout with the remaining planned early 2022, a project in total saving of 4285 tonnes of carbon • Introducing electric vehicles to the council vehicle fleet, purchasing 10 new electrically powered vans and 14 electric charging points to support this. • Streamlining the corporate portfolio of buildings and identifying efficiencies…
… lessen the amount we travel in fossil fuel powered vehicles, by enabling a shift to more sustainable modes of transport such as walking and cycling as well as enabling a move to zero emissions alternatives. Planning and development control in Tameside considers how areas link, how active travel is elevated and how the environmental commons of air, land and water can be protected. Nine GM boroughs…