Including the closely related terms electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and electric vehicle charging.
… in helping Buckinghamshire mitigate and adapt to a changing climate and air pollution. Actions taken so far include: installing solar photovoltaic systems, energy efficiency measures and electric vehicle charging points, flood risk management projects, and new walking and cycling routes. In addition, our Air Quality Action Plans detail measures to improve local air quality in areas where…
… reductions from those who do have control. This is lower degree of influence, but over more emission sources than we directly control. 3. Enabling Change: this is where we can take steps that enable others to reduce their emissions, but outside of a formal financial or regulatory role with the 4 emissions source. This can include providing electric vehicle charging points or providing cycle…
… the availability of public electric vehicle charging points in Buckinghamshire. • Investing in sustainable transport infrastructure, such as the Waddesdon Greenway. • Working with schools to develop School Travel Plans and provide cycle training for pupils. • Working with Bucks Business First to support local businesses, for example through the Low Carbon Workspaces programme. Funding We…
… funding tree planting, energy efficiency and renewable generation projects. We also continue to identify external sources of funding and develop bids for these, for example from Defra’s Air Quality Grant to help improve air quality, support for electric vehicle charging infrastructure from OLEV, and funding from BEIS to support decarbonisation in the public sector. Developing this Strategy We…
… in the transportation sector, away from conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to ultra-low or zero emission equivalents. We have a role in providing electric vehicle charging infrastructure to help service this transition, with subsidies and the regulation of the manufacturing sector sitting with the national government. • Electric vehicles need powering from renewable energy sources…