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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including the closely related terms electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and electric vehicle charging.

1 result

Ashford Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… but these are some of the most important: water vapour H2O, carbon dioxide CO2, methane CH4, nitrous oxide N2O, CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). EPC Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) tell you how energy efficient a building is and give it a rating from A (very efficient) to G (inefficient). EV charging points An electric vehicle charging point is equipment that connects an electric vehicle (EV) to a source…

… energy generation and consumption Decarbonisation of energy production is necessary to meet our carbon neutral ambitions. The demand for energy from renewable and low carbon sources will increase as we use more electricity to heat our homes and power vehicles, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) suggests that low-carbon electricity generation will need to quadruple (to 645 TWh in 2050…

… forms of transport/vehicles Air quality in the borough improves 1. % of electric vehicles in council owned fleet 2. CO2 reduction per year from council owned vehicles 3. Reduction in mileage claimed for staff travel 4. Number of staff purchasing EV through lease car scheme 5. Reduction in travel to /from home/work by car Enable increased use of public transport and active travel…

… by provision of incentives and improved facilities such as cycle storage and changing facilities Further explore use of electric bikes /scooters and potential for electric pool cars for use on council business Investigate how to encourage / incentivise the take up of electric vehicles through the lease car scheme to coincide with next lease car contract When vehicles within the grounds maintenance…

… and facilitate a borough wide reduction in transport related emissions Develop a parking strategy to encourage an overall reduction in car usage and facilitate electric vehicle patronage Overall reduction in car dependency, improved local air quality, fewer road traffic accidents, increased patronage of local bus services, all residents can access public transport options to travel to key…


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