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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including 5 closely related terms such as electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and powered vehicles.

1 result

Fife Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… heat stores) and methods for transferring energy into the most useful forms for local needs. This could include using wind energy to convert seawater into hydrogen fuel for vehicles or using networks of electric vehicles to store excess energy generated during periods of peak generation (such as on windy days) that is surplus to current demand. District heating is a key element of this work…

… and hydrogen powered vehicles is a part of the solution, all ‘zero carbon’ strategies must acknowledge ways to actively encourage walking, cycling and improved low carbon public transport solutions. The rapid development of air transport and local airport strategies also need to be reconsidered as part of a low carbon transport strategy, including tackling the concept of ‘frequent flying…

… emissions by 203011. Under the sustainable travel programme, Climate Fife projects will focus on decarbonising the Council’s own fleet, reducing the need to travel by settlement and development planning and smart technology; promoting active travel, increasing vehicle efficiencies, making public transport more popular and increasing the uptake of ULEV (ultra-low emission vehicles) such as hybrid…


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