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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including 4 closely related terms such as electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and electric vehicle charge.

1 result

Reading Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… significant contributions to meeting the net zero carbon targets. It is estimated that an all-electric fleet would reduce energy use (kWh) by 75%, and carbon emissions by 90%, as illustrated by Table 4.1 below (GFR 2020). Furthermore, if solar electricity generation is co-located with the electric vehicle charge points, there would be the opportunity to achieve net zero by 2030. Table 4.1: Impact…

… the first phase of renewable onsite generation at the depot. Travel & transport Within the last 5 years, the Council has invested in nine electric vehicles with associated charging points. Investigations are ongoing to establish the best route for full electrification of the vehicle fleet. Classification: OFFICIAL Appendix 3: DRAFT RBC CORPORATE CARBON PLAN 2020-25 9 | P a g e…

… to reduce direct fossil fuel consumption such as our gas and vehicle fuel consumption. This means that we need to change how we heat buildings and how we fuel or power vehicles. Gas boilers are the most prevalent means of heating buildings and up until recently, provided among the lowest carbon intensity heating technology for delivering space heating in the winter. The reason…

… CORPORATE CARBON PLAN 2020-25 18 | P a g e Classification: OFFICIAL Electric vehicles Electric vehicle technology has advanced rapidly in recent years. With no tailpipe emissions, their carbon emissions are indirect and are associated with the fuel used to generate the electricity for the powering and manufacture of the vehicles. Electric vehicles are significantly more energy efficient than…

… of electrification of the RBC Fleet on carbon emissions and energy use, based on 2020 prices. Green Fleet Review 2020 Factor ICE - 2019 BEV - 2030 Change Reduction Energy (MWh) 3,667 917 -2,750 -75% Energy Cost (£) £378,783 £108,768 -£270,016 -71% GHG Emissions (t) 897 92 805 -90% We are already approaching the point where Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) up to 3.5 tonnes should be less expensive…


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