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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including the closely related terms electric vehicles, and electric vehicle.

1 result

South Gloucestershire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. The pathway to success towards net zero sees significant and rapid reductions in emissions from both heat and power by 2030. To get emissions across the area to decrease we will need: y A very high uptake of electric vehicles and a reduction of mileage, y Very high reductions in road transport emissions from around 380 to around 220 kt CO2e. (Changes in fuel type as well as lower mileage), y…

… and wellbeing of humans and the natural world. Transport and infrastructure This theme looks at transport projects from walking and cycling, public transport and mileage reduction, to electric vehicles and reducing internal combustion engine car use. Infrastructure is about looking at our roads, bridges, sewage systems, parks and green spaces to reduce emissions, prepare for local impacts…

… our homes, move people and goods, and provide manufacturing and services so that doing these no-longer emits the greenhouse gas pollution that is increasing global heating. Reducing our carbon emissions will involve: y Switching journeys under five miles to bike, public transport and walking, y Reducing our mileage in all vehicles, y Switching from diesel and petrol vehicles to electric

vehicles for journeys that can’t be made on foot, by bike or public transport, y Changing the way we heat and power our homes and replacing gas and oil boilers with heat pumps or heat supplied from a low carbon heat network, y Changing the way we heat and power our businesses by switching to renewable heat and using roofs to generate electricity using photovoltaic (PV) panels, y Changing…


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