Including the closely related terms electric vehicles, and electric vehicle.
… Air Source Heat Pump BECCS Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage CCC Committee on Climate Change CHP Combined Heat and Power C02 Carbon Dioxide CCS Climate Change Strategy COP Conference of the Parties CRC Climate Ready Clyde DHN District Heating Network EPC Energy Performance Certifcate EU European Union EV Electric Vehicle GHG Greenhouse Gas GSHP Ground Source Heat Pump LHEES…
… Local Heat and Energy Efciency Strategy NPF National Performance Framework NPF4 National Planning Framework 4 PV Photovoltaic RPP3 Climate Change Plan: third report on proposals and policies 2018-2032 SDG Sustainable Development Goal tCO2e Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent ULEV Ultra-low Emission Vehicle UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change WSHP Water Source Heat Pump…
… ZEV Zero-emissions Vehicle CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY - A ROUTE MAP FOR A NET ZERO FUTURE FOREWORD Councillor Iain McLaren, Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development I am delighted to introduce West Dunbartonshire’s new Climate Change Strategy, which outlines our plans to reduce our organisation’s environmental impact over the next fve years and beyond…
… projects across our estate and housing; = The Development of the Queens Quay District Heating Network (DHN) in Clydebank; = Converting some of our pool feet to Electric Vehicles (EVs); = Engaging with schools and the community on waste reduction and greenspace; and = Improving local Biodiversity and planting of native trees and bulbs across West Dunbartonshire CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY…