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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including 4 closely related terms such as electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and emission vehicles.

1 result

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of petrol and diesel vehicles. 4.21 Fuel use by the Council’s fleet is estimated at around 6% of direct Council emissions. Opportunities to improve the efficiency of the fleet are therefore required to achieve a net zero target. This will involve installation of adequate electric vehicle infrastructure / charge points at Council offices, depots, car parks and leisure facilities, a review…

… of additional rapid and ultra-rapid chargers. Economic Growth Place & Environment / TfWM Highways & Transport / TfWM LONG b) Publishing a local public transport decarbonisation action plan. Economic Growth Place & Environment / TfWM Highways & Transport / TfWM LONG c) Review off-street electric vehicle charging in Council owned car parks. Economic Growth Place & Environment…

… on selling new petrol, diesel or hybrid vehicles in the UK by 2035. The Council should be able to achieve significant carbon and cost savings by reviewing its maintenance policies to specify highly efficient plant and services, and electric vehicles, rather than replacing like-for-like. Changing policies to specify materials with low embodied carbon should also reduce Scope 3 emissions by considering…

…-22 supports the promotion of Low Emission Zones and Ultra Low Emission Vehicles in accordance with the West Midlands Strategic Transport Plan. The Council is taking a lead role in the development of the Black Country’s ULEV Strategy and Action Plan, which sets out a series of recommendations for Black Country Councils in order to prepare for the anticipated 2035 Government ban on the sale…

emission vehicles in Walsall and sustainable transport options in accordance with the Transport in Walsall Strategy 2017-22 and the West Midlands / Black Country Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Strategy. a) To accelerate and amplifying the EV / hydrogen transition in anticipation of a 2035 ban on the sale of conventional vehicles, including coordinating with TfWM to support installation…


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