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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including 6 closely related terms such as electric vehicles, electric vehicle, and electric vehicle infrastructure.

1 result

Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and December 2020 and included in Part 2 of this document. Recycling Support for green business and skills Active travel and sustainable transport Warm homes and green homes Electric vehicle infrastructure LED street lighting Planning, policy and place shaping Renewable and low carbon heat and energy Tree planting/urban forest Carbon literacy and behaviour change Natural capital and biodiversity…

… reporting for Traford ACTION LEAD TIMESCALE Continue ongoing work on proposed Clean Air Plan and Clean Air Zone Improve Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Decarbonisation of Council vehicle feet Council/TfGM/ Amey/GMCA Focus on Scope 3 indirect emissions e.g. goods and services moving in and out of Traford, Housing Providers, Council workforce and workplace and commercial properties…

… reuse schemes and clothes donations to charities Promote repair of electrical items over buying new Council/ Amey/ Business Partners SHORT/ MED Corporate Priorities: Pride in our area 22 4 Transport and Travel 4.A Reduce roadside NO2 levels, discourage polluting commercial vehicles from travelling and switch to cleaner, low emission vehicles. Emissions…

… of work. Growth OTP/Amey Work with businesses to encourage and support them to switch car/van feet to Electric Vehicles, maintain existing feet and purchase the least polluting and most efcient model. SHORT SHORT/ MED SHORT/ MED Reduce excess lorry and van travel in urban areas of the borough Corporate Priorities: Green and Connected. 4.D Support EV charge points within the Borough…


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