Including the closely related terms electric vehicle, and electric vehicles.
… Exercise 2019/20 First tw o electric vehicles procured 2018 Introducing com m unity clean team s and engagem ent w ith infant schools Project to rem ove non-native goldfish w ent viral w ith excellent positive publicity N ovem ber 2019 C lim ate C hange Strategy adopted H ousing C om m ittee approve H ousing D elivery Plan In 2017 w orking w ith N otts W ildlife…
… programme. Head of Environmental Services August 2020 Completed July 2020 Action 4 Technology: Introduction of electric vehicles where practical and economic aligned to the capital replacement programme Transport and Fleet Manager To be completed annually Action 5 Technology: Proactively monitor vehicle emissions utilising the Fuel Monitoring IT System utilising analysis to inform…
… Completed Action 1 Create a new Transport and Fleet Strategy with a focus where economically appropriate on electric vehicles. Waste and Recycling Manager August 2020 Completed August 2020 Action 2 Develop a plan for the further introduction of appropriate infrastructure to support potential growth in the electric fleet and growth in domestic use of electric vehicles. Waste and Recycling…
…. Transport and Fleet Manager August 2020 Completed August 2020 Action 5 Technology - The Council has a fleet of 8 small vans (Below 2 Tonnes). Two of these vehicles have already been replaced with all electric vehicles and over the period to 2024 the remaining 6 vehicles where practical and economic (As they reach a life of 12 years) will be replaced with all electric models. Transport…
… scheme enabling employees access to a new vehicle. Include the promotion of electric vehicles within the scheme. HR Manager March 2021 Action 7 Capture the achievements in order to inform the communications programme and promote what GOOD looks like to Business within the Borough Strategic Director On-going Action 8 Consider the introduction of Cycle To Work promotion (leave the car…