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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including 4 closely related terms such as electric vehicles, electric vehicle, and emission vehicles.

1 result

Perth and Kinross Council

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… Efficiency Standard for Social Housing) ✓ We have attracted over £49m in external funding since 2010 for projects contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change adaptions ✓ We have reduced the amount of CO2 emissions from our waste by 33% since 2011, through improved waste reduction, reuse and recycle ✓ We have over 80 Electric Vehicle Charging Points available…

… and expanding the network of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Points. The Council also has within its powers more deterrent measures, such as parking restrictions and parking pricing controls. The new Transport Act provides an opportunity to support climate change action for local communities with powers including actions on workplace parking, and public transport enhancement. Climate change and air…

… quality are inextricably linked; air pollution often originates from the same activities that contribute to climate change. The majority of both greenhouse gases and air pollutants are produced by vehicle engines, power generation and domestic heating, and as such multiple measures aimed at reducing air pollutants often also reduce CO2 emissions, for example the adoption of low emission vehicles

… a range of options required to achieve the required modal shift and deliver a low carbon transport future of Perth & Kinross. (Action T3 – Appendix 2). Figure 15 Mobility Strategy Themes ii) Low Carbon Transport Infrastructure Over 80 Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers have been installed across Perth & Kinross and offer coverage in major towns and some rural locations -click here…

… 2) iv) Electric / Alternative Fuel Vehicles There are a growing number of Electric Vehicles (EVs) within the Council fleet - 27 to date which is 9% of the small vehicle fleet. There are currently six chargers for Council fleet vehicles to use around Perth city and three additional fleet charger locations have been confirmed for 2019/20 installations. This will support the change, as our…


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