Including 5 closely related terms such as electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and electric car.
… efficiency: insulation, improved airtightness and better windows, install Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) wherever possible, install PVs. An 80% carbon reduction on-site should be achieved for full retrofit projects, or a plan put in place to achieve this. Transport Replace the Council’s diesel and petrol cars with electric cars and vans Accelerate the replacement cycle so that 95…
… homes. Low carbon heat should replace gas boilers. Transport 99% carbon reduction from cars and vans All domestic and light goods mileage should be completed by electric vehicles or equivalent by 2050. 80% carbon reduction from lorries HGV emissions reduced by 50% through reduced journeys, switch to rail, and developing hydrogen or electric drivetrain technologies. Reduce air travel To meet…
… of electric vehicles). This is estimated to lead to a 10% reduction in building’s carbon emissions by 2025, and a 30% reduction in emissions from cars and 10% from vans (by switching to EVs and hybrid vehicles). • Decarbonisation of the electricity grid: as the carbon content of every unit of electricity used continues to decrease, emissions associated with electricity will reduce without any…
… emissions in Tower Hamlets have a positive effect on other important issues. For example: • Improved air quality – phasing out of petrol and diesel powered vehicles on our roads and gas boilers in our buildings will reduce local air pollution. This will result in improved health of the population, a reduction in avoidable premature deaths and savings for the NHS. • Fuel poverty / housing…
… energy consumption savings. This is taken into account in the recommended actions. Transport: Council’s fleet and business travel Transport emissions are from the Council’s fleet, in particular its lorries which are mostly on diesel. There is only one hybrid and no electric cars. A large proportion have unknown vehicle type and fuel. Current renewable energy generation There is currently…