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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including 6 closely related terms such as electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and electric car.

1 result

London Borough of Newham

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… the borough for e-vehicles. 88% 12% There was recognition that many Newham residents liked using their cars and were reluctant to change them for electric cars until they were convinced there were sufficient electric charging points. This led to a discussion about how local people could be incentivised to switch to electric cars and the resulting recommendation that electric vehicles should be free…

… to park initially in order to encourage that shift to take place. The group spoke about the need for parking charges to be waived specifically for those having to stop and charge their cars. However, there were a number of critiques of this recommendation that focused on: Safety: electric cars are as dangerous as other fuels and so accidents won’t be reduced. Privilege: electric vehicles favour…

… available for individuals, subsidies for commercial properties, and mandate it for new builds. 4. Research new and cost effective technologies to draw on best practice from other places e.g. action to increase electric car use. Work with local universities and other boroughs to explore a variety of new actions that could be taken forward. Support 94% Support 88.3% Support 97% Support 97% Support…

… properties might secure a subsidy as an incentive to install the panels, and the Council could mandate all new builds to use them. Recommendation 4 Research new and cost effective technologies to draw on best practice from other places e.g action to increase electric car use. Work with local universities and other boroughs to explore a variety of new actions that could be taken forward. 97% 3…

… and use land to grow food for local people. 2. Introduce higher parking charges for high emission vehicles. These did not make it to the final recommendations as there was a clear distrust and dislike of the Council imposing punitive measures on low income families. 32 The recommendation that was liked most was put forward by the assembly members: E-bus to drop off/pick up kids for school runs…


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