Including the closely related terms electric vehicle, emission vehicles, and electric vehicle charging.
… in each locality - Increase volunteering in providing opportunities for walking and cycling SSDC/NHS/Providers Work with County Council to look at Electric Vehicle charging eligibility across the District with a view to ensuring coverage across all centres in the District to maximise EV take up SSDC/SCC/Providers Year One Actions – Council Operations Q1 Q2 Q3…
… the design process. - Look for opportunities to incorporate Electric vehicle charging points within the design process. - Look for opportunities to incorporate ground heat source pumps within the design process. - Look for opportunities to incorporate surface water salvage within the design process. - Support and encourage new tenants to adopt energy efficient working practices. - Wherever…
… to investigate multi agency approach to climate change mitigation projects SSDC & Partners Work with County to look at waste contract to minimise carbon emissions in delivery of contract through increased recycling and lower emission vehicles SSDC Work with businesses through the South Staffordshire Business Place Partnership to maximise energy efficiency in their own operations SSDC/SCC Work…