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Search results for "electric vehicles"

Including 4 closely related terms such as electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and electric vehicle charge.

1 result

Essex County Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

…, Tollesbury Climate Partnership and Saffron Walden Community Energy. These non-profit organisations are owned and managed by local people working in their own communities. The groups are now delivering their own projects including: installation of electric vehicle charge points; an electric cargo bike scheme for more eco-friendly local delivery services; securing funding to support decarbonising…

… 19 Energy Efficiency 20 Building For the Future 25 4. Transport 28 New Local Transport Plan with a key focus on decarbonisation 29 Essex Bus Service 29 Active Travel 31 Electric Vehicles 32 Escooters 32 5. Waste 33 Essex Waste Strategy 33 Love Essex 34 The BLUEPRINT to a Circular Economy Project 36 6. Community Engagement…

… in the way that our energy is produced and distributed, including much more localised energy generation, and far greater focus on energy efficiency, so we are not wasting our energy and our money. The Essex Climate Action Commission recommended a substantial increase in renewable energy generation capacity, to provide power and heat to homes, places of work and for electric vehicles. Case Study…


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