Including the closely related terms electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and emission vehicles.
…. Priorities: • Undertake regular reviews of our fleet to see how advances in low emissions vehicle technology could be integrated. • Carry out regular route optimisation and journey rationalisation exercises to reduce our service delivery related fuel consumption, costs and the impact of our fleet upon the environment. • Minimise the number of Council vehicles. • Continue to look at other fuel…
… options such as biodiesel and hydrogen as production and technology advances. • Encourage staff to travel to work in the most sustainable way. Challenges: It is not feasible at this point in time to replace some vehicles with electric vehicles due to the topography of the District and the mileage range of the new vehicles currently available. We also have a large number of new homes being…
…) to allow us to power these sustainably. All electricity purchased by the Council has been from 100% certified renewable sources since April 2021. Priorities: • Investigate opportunities for micro generation and PV installations on Council owned property. • Support the use of renewable energy including supporting electric vehicle use. • Support the development of renewable energy sources…
… Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy BEV Battery Electric Vehicle BIU British Independent Utilities BREEAM Global sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings CO2 Carbon dioxide is a natural, colourless and odourless greenhouse gas that is emitted when fossil fuels (i.e. natural gas, oil, coal, etc.) are burnt. NOx Nitrogen…
… oxides (NOx) are a group of gases that are mainly formed during the combustion of fossil fuels RHL Rykneld Homes Ltd SCATTER Emissions tool to help create low- carbon Local Authorities Tyndall Ctr Partnership of universities bringing together researchers from the social and natural sciences and engineering to develop sustainable responses to climate change. ULEV Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles…