Including 5 closely related terms such as electric vehicle, electric vehicles, and electric car.
… emissions vehicles. The provision of an electric car club (see Action 3.17) would also support the implementation of this action 3.4 Survey staff commuting and update staff travel plan, including increase in flexible working Council/ Borough: Council Operations & Borough- wide Emissions Reduction: Low (Carbon, NO2 and PM) Cost: None (Staff time) Funding Source: N…
… Basingstoke A draft Parking Strategy was considered by Cabinet in October and subject to public consultation. This outlined a future approach to managing car parks, as well as supporting measures such as increased electric vehicle charging and is intended to support both the town centre masterplan and the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. 3.10 Investigate mobility options…
… Change and Sustainability Team No. of EVs registered in borough Two promotional events were held as a part of Green Week in Basingstoke, which saw several electric vehicles displayed in the town centre for members of the public to view, speak to officers and representatives from each car manufacture. It is proposed to develop an electric car club initiative in the borough, which…
…% and the trial has recently been rolled out to other vehicles in the fleet. Suitable vehicles to trial are being considered and there are several vehicles that are due to be replaced and where electric vehicles will be sought. 3.2 Increase chargepoints available on council sites for operational vehicles and staff, particularly required to enable electrification of operational vehicles…
… in staff travel and promotion of ultra- low emission vehicles being used wherever possible Council/ Borough: Council Operations Emissions Reduction: Low (Carbon, NO2 and PM) Cost: None (Staff time) Funding Source: N/A Income Generation?: No Mid 2023 In Progress HR Climate Change and Sustainability Team Reduction in ‘grey fleet’ mileage No. of staff…